Tuesday, January 13, 2009


So we still haven't had this little guy yet! I feel like I am going to die. I went to the Doctor this morning and was there forever! First I had to wait for the doctor for an hour in the waiting room, and then she finally came in and checked me and my cervix has done NOTHING! My blood pressure was a little high, so they checked me at the end of the appt too, and it was fine. Crap. so I wasn't going to get induced. I just want this to be over so badly that I feel like its never going to happen. Since my blood pressure was still up today, she did an ultrasound to make sure he still had enough fluid, and then I had to do the NTS test to make sure that he is still moving and his heart rate was fine. So I got there at 9:30 this morning and left at 12:00pm. It was a long vist and still no baby.


Marshall and Rose Lowry said...

Oh man, waiting is the worst! You know that you can't be pregnant forever but it feels like forever! Hang in there!

The Nortys 6 said...

Hello!! You can't have him until your due date which just so happens to be my birthday!! Seriously though, hang in there! We miss you guys! Hope everything is going well! (Except for the feeling like your going to pop!) We love you! Good luck!

cerrah said...

I'm so sorry. The NST's are awful. I had to go in for one every week from 30 weeks on with Frankie. But even worse to be there that long and not get told any good news. I hope he decides to make his appearance very soon. Good luck.

Dawna Greer said...

Well, now that he's finally here, we hope you get feeling better very soon and are able to post lots of pictures. So sorry that because his head is just bulging with brains, he was to big to come naturally. Whose fault is that?! ;)